Thursday, June 13, 2013

William Tyndale, Transl. Gospels

Gospels from The New Testament, Translated by William Tyndale, The British Library, London, 2000.

…Mary, of whome was boren that Jhesus which is called Christ. (The Gospell of. S. Mathew, The First Chapter)

We…are come to worship hym. (Matt 2)

…and demaunded off them where Christ shulde be borne. (Matt 2)

Then was fulfilled that which was spoken be the prophet Jeremi, saynge: On the hilles was a voice herde, mournynge, wepynge, and greate lamentacion. Rachel wepynge ffor her children, and wolde nott be comforted because they were not.
(Matt 2)

Jhon the baptizer cam and preached in the wildernes off iury sayng: Repent, the kyngdome of heven is at honed. (Matt 3)

O generacion of vipers, who hath taught you to fle form the vengeaunce to come? (Matt 3)

…burne the chaffe with everlastynge fyre. (Matt 3)

Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall falsly say all manner of yvell saynges agaynst you ffor my sake. (Matt 5)

Ye are the salt of the erthe. but and if the salt be once unsavory, what can be salted therwith?  (Matt 5)

Ye shall not thynke that I am come to disanull them, but to or the prophets. no I am nott come to disanull them, but to fulfill them. (Matt 5)

…swere not all… your communicacion shalbe, ye, ye: nay nay. For whatsoever is more then that, cometh off yvell. (Matt 5)

For yf ye shall love them, which love you: what rewarde shall ye have? … And if ye be friendly to youre brethren onli: what singular thynge doo ye? … Ye shall therefore be perfecte, even as youre hevenly father is perfecte. (Matt 5)

But when ye praye, bable not moche, as the gentyls do: for they thincke that they shalbe herde, ffor there moche bablynges sake. Be ye not lyke them therefore. For youre father knoweth whereof ye have neade, before ye axe off him. (Matt 6)

Ye can nott serve God and mammon. (Matt 6)

Beholde the foules of the aier: for they sowe not, neder reepe, nor yet cary into the barnes, and yet youre hevenly father fedeth them. Are ye not better then they? (Matt 6)

Beholde the lyles off the felde, howe they growe, They labour not nether spyne, And yet for all that I saie unto you that even Solomon in all his royalte, was nott arrayed dlyke unto one of these. (Matt 6)

Care not therefore for the daye foloynge. For the daye foloynge shall care ffor ystylfe. (Matt 6)

Axe and it shalbe geven you. Seke and ye shall fynd, Knocke and it shalbe opened unto you. For whosoever axeth receaveth, and he that seketh fyndeth, and to hym that knocketh, it shalbe opened. ys there eny man among you which wolde proffer his sonne a stone if he axed him breed? or if he axed fysshe, wolde he proffer hyme a serpent? Yff ye then which are evyll, cann geven to youre children good gyftes: howe moche moor shall youre father which ys in heven, geve good thynges to them that axe off hym? (Matt 7)

…ffor wyde is the the gate, and broade ys the waye that leadeth to destruccion: … (Matt 7)

Butt a corrupte tree, bryngethe for the evyll frute. (Matt 7)

…one of hys disciples seyde unto him: master suffre me first, to go and burye my father. But Jesus said unto him: folowe me, and let the deed  burie their deed. (Matt 8)

…take no thought howe or what ye shall speake, for yt shall be geven you, even in that same hour, what ye shall saye. For it is not ye that speke, but the sprete of your father which speaketh in you. (Matt 10)

There is nothinge so close, that shall not be openned, and nothinge so hyd that shall not be knowen. (Matt 10)

And feare ye nott them which kyll the body, and be nott able to kyll the soule. But rather feare him, which is able to destroye bothe and body in hell. (Matt 10)

Thynke not, that y am come to sende peace in to the erth. I cam nott to send peace, but a swearde. For y am come to sett a man att varyaunce ageynst hys father, and the doughter ageynst her mother, … (Matt 10)

He that hath eares to heare, let him here. (Matt 11)

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matt 11)

…I require mercy, and not sacrifice. (Matt 12)

But I say unto you, that of every ydell worde, that men shall have spoken: they shall geve a countes at the daye off iudgement. For by thy words thou shalt be iustifyed: and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. (Matt 12)

And hys disciples cam, and sayde to him: Why speakest thou to them in parables? he answered and sayde unto them? Hit it geven unto you to knowe the secretes off the kingdom of heven, but to them it is not geven. For whosumever hath to him shall hit be geven: and he shall have aboundance. But whosoever hath not: from him shalbe takyn a waye even that same that he hath. Therefore speake y to them in similitudes. For though they se, they se not: and hearing they heare not: nether understonde. (Matt 13)

…be of good cheare, … (Matt 14)

…heare and understonde. That which goeth into the mougth, defyleth not a man: but that which commeth out of the mougth, defyleth the man. (Matt 15)

…go after me Satan, thou offendest me, because thou perceavest nott godly thyinges: but worldly thinges. (Matt 16)

Wherefore yff thy honed or thy fote geve the an occasion of evyll: cut hym of and cast hym from the. (Matt 18)

Let not man therefore put asunder, that which god hath cuppled togedder. (Matt 19)

In thy mornynge as he returned into the cite ageyne, he hungred, and spyed a fygge tree in the waye, and cam to it, and founde nothinge thre on, but leves only, and said to it, never frute growe on the hence forwards. And anon the fygge tree wyddered awaye. (Matt 21)

…a certayne kinge, which maryed his sonne, and sent for the his servauntes, to call them that were byd to the weddinge, … Lo I have prepared my dynner, myne oxen and my fatlinges are kylled, and all thinges are redy, come unto the mariage. (Matt 22)

Wo be to you scrybes, and pharises ypocrites, for ye are lyke unto paynted tombes which appere beautyfull outwards: but are within full off deed mens bones and of all fylthynes. So are ye, for outwards ye appere rightous unto men, when within ye are full of dissimulacion and initquite. (Matt 23)

Wake therefore, because ye knowe nott what houre youre master wyll come. … but and yf the evyll servaunt shall saye in his herte, my master wyll differ his commynge, and begynne to smyte his felowes: ye and to eate and to drynke with the drunken: that servauntes master wyll come in a daye when he loketh not for hym: (Matt 24)

And the folysshe sayde to the wyse: geve us of youre oyle, for oure lampes goo out? But the wyse answered, saying: not so, … (Matt 25)

…evyll servaunt and slewthfull, thou knewest that I repe where I sowed nott, and gadder where I strawed nott: thou oughtest therefore to have had my money to the chaungers, and then at my commynge shulde I have received my money with vauntage. (Matt 25)

And from hym that hath not, shalbe taken awaye, even that he hath. (Matt 25)

It had bene good for that man, yff he had never bene borne. (Matt 26)

And he went away a lytell aparte, and fell flatt on hys face, and prayed saying: O my father, yf it be possible, let this cuppe passe from me. (Matt 26)

…prophettes… The voice of won that cryeth in the wilderne: prepare ye the waye off the lorde, make his pathes streyght. (The Gospell off. S. Marke., The fyrst Chapter)

That ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hath power in erth to forgeve sinnes, he spake unto the sicke of the palsey: … (Mark 2)

Perceave ye not this similitude. And howe ye shall knowe all similitudes? (Mark 4)

Nether coulde eny man tame him. And always boothe nyght and daye he cryed in the mountaynes and in the graves and bet hymsilfe with stones. (Mark 5)

Come forthe of the man thou fowle sprete. And he axed hym: what is thy name? and he answered hym, my name is Legion, for we are many. (Mark 5)

…certayne of hys disciples eate breed with commen hands (that is to saye, with unwesshen hondes) … (Mark 7)

He hath done all thinges well, and hath made booth the deffe to heare, and the dom to speake. (Mark 7)

For thou saverest not the thynges off God: But the thynges off men. (Mark 8)

Whosoever putteth awaye his wife, and maryeth another, breaketh wedlock to herwarde. And yf a woman forsake her husband, and be maryed to another, she committeth advoutry. (Mark 10)

And on the morowe when they were come out from Bethany, he hungred, and he spyed a fygge tree afarre off, having leves, and went to se whether he might fynde enythinge thereon: but when he cam thereto, he founde nothinge butt leves. For the tyme off fygges was nott yet. And Jesus answered and sayd to it: never man eate frute of the hereafter whill the worlde stondith. And his disciples herde it. (Mark 11)

…he began to waxe abasshede and to be in an agony. And sayde unto them: My soule is very hevy even unto the deeth, … (Mark 14)

…they crycifyed with him two theves: the one on his right honed, and the other on hys lifte honed. And the scripture was fulfilled, which sayeth: and he was counted amonge the wicked. (Mark 15)

Zacarias… And his wife… Elizabeth. Booth were perfect before god, and walked in all the laws and ordinacions of the lorde… (The Gospell off [no period] S. Luke., The fyrst Chapter)

And as sone as the devyll had ended all his temptacions, he departed from hym for a season. (Luke 4)

And he closed the booke, and gave it agayne to the minister, and sate doune. And the eyes off all thatt were in the synagog, were fastened on hym. And he began to saye unto them. This daye ys thys scripture fulfilled in youre eares. (Luke 4)

I cam not to call the rightewes to repentaunce: but the synners. (Luke 5)

He spake unto them in a similitude: No man puttheth a pece of an newe garment, into an olde vesture: for yf he do, then breaketh he the newe and the pece that was taken out of the newe, agreeth nott with the old. (Luke 6)

Have ye nott redde what David did, when he hymsilfe was anhungred, and they which were with hym: how he went into the house off god, and toke and ate the loves off hallowed breed, and gave also to them which were with hym: which was nott laufull to eate, but for the prestes only. (Luke 6)

Wo be to you that are full: for ye shall honger. We be to you that nowe laugh: for ye shall wayle, and wepe. (Luke 6)

Nether off thornes gader men fygges, nor of bushes gadrer they grapes. (Luke 6)

…whosoever commeth to me, and heareth my sayinges,and doeth the same, I wyll shewe you to whome he ys lyke. He is lyke a man which bilt an house: which digged depe, and layde the foundacion on a rocke. (Luke 6)

Jhon baptiste sent us unto the saying: Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we wayte for another? (Luke 7)

Wherefore I saye unto the: many synnes are forgeven her, because she loved moche. To whom lesse is forgeven, the same doeth less love. (Luke 7)

Thy mother and thy brethren, stoned wythour, and wolde se the. He answered, and sayd unto them: my mother and my brethren are these, which heare the worde of god, and do it. (Luke 8)

For ofte tymes he caught hym, and he was bounde with chaynes, and kept with fetters: and he brake the bondes, and was caryed of the fende, into wildernes. (Luke 8)

And watsoever house ye enter into there abyde, … (Luke 9)

I tell you of a surety: Some there are of them thatt here stoned, which shall not taste of derth till they se the kyngdom of God. (Luke 9)

Jesus rebuked the unclene sprete, and healed the chylde, and delivered hym to hys father. (Luke 9)

The sonne of man ys not come to destroye mennes lives, but to save them. (Luke 9)

Jesus sayd unto him: foxes have holes, and bryddes of the ayer have nestes: but the sonne of man hath nott whereon to laye hys heed. (Luke 9)

And another sayde: I wyll folowe the lorde: But lett me fyrst goo bid them farewele, which are at home at my housse. Jesus sayd unto hym: No man that putteth hys honed to the plowe, and loketh backe, is apte to the kingdom of god. (Luke 9)

Trouble me nott, nowe is the dore shett, and my servaunttes are with me in the chamber, I cannot ryse and geve them to the. (Luke 11)

He that is not with me is agaynst me. And he that gadereth nott with me scatterch. (Luke 11)

Nowe do ye, O pharises, make clene the outsyde of the cuppe, and of the platter: but youre inwarde parties are full of raveninge and wickednes. (Luke 11)

Wo be to you also ye laweras: for ye lade men with burthens grevous to be borne, and ye yourselves touché nott the packes with one of youre fingers. (Luke 11)

Fyrst of all beware of the leven off the pharises, which is ypocrysy. (Luke 12)

…feare ye not them that kyll the body, and after that have nothynge that he can moare do. I will shewe you, whom ye shall feare. (Luke 12)

…no mannes life stondeth in the harboundaunce of the thynges which he possesseth. (Luke 12)

Consydere the lylies howe they growe: They laboure nott: They spyn not: and I saye unto you, Solomon in all his royalte was nott clothed lyke unto one of these. (Luke 12)

Lett youre loynes be gerdde about, and youre lightes brennynge, and ye yourselves, lyke unto men, that watche for their master when he woll returne from a weddynge: that as sone as he commeth and knocketh, they maye open unto hym. (Luke 12)

…the evyll servaunt shall saye in his hert: My master wyll differre his commynge, and shall begyn to smyte the servauntes, and maydens, and to eate and drynke, and to be drunken: the lorde off that servaunt wyll come in a daye, chen he thynketh nott, … (Luke 12)

And beholde there was a man before hym, which had the dropsy. (Luke 14)

…he wasted his goodes with royetous living. (Luke 14)

…dresse wherwith I maye suppe, and apoynt thysilfe and serve me, tyll I have eaten and drunken: and afterwarde, eate thou, and drynke thou? (Luke 17)

The feaste off swete breed drue nye which is called ester, … (Luke 22)

And the lorde sayde: Simon, Simon, beholde Satan hath desired you, to sifte you, as it were wheate: (Luke 22)

I saye unto you that yet, that which is written must be performed in me (Even with the wicked was he nombred) for those thynges which are written of me have and ende. (Luke 22)

…he gave up the goost. When the Centurion sawe, what had happened, he glorified god saying: Of a surtie this man was perfecte. (Luke 23)

…loo two men stode by them, in shynynge vestures. As they were afraide, and bowed doune their faces to the erth: they sayd to them: why seke ye the livynge amogne the deed? He is nott here: but is risen. (Luke 23)

Have ye here eny meate? and they gave hym a pece of a broiled fisshe, and of an honycombe. (Luke 24)

And the light shyneth in darcknes, and darcknes comprehended it not. (The Gospell off Sancte Jhon. The fyrst Chapter)

No man sawe god at eny tyme. The only begotten sonne, which is in the fathers bosom, hath declared hym. (John 1)

Jesus answered and sayd unto hym: Because I sayde unto the, I sawe the under the fygge tree, thou belevest. Thou shalt se greater thynges then these. (John 1)

…the governer of the feaste… All men att the begynnynge, sett forth goode wyne, And when men be dronke, then that which is worsse: Butt thou hast kept backe the goode wyne hitherto. (John 2)

Nicodemus answered and sayde unto him: howe can these thynges be? Jesus answered and sayde unto hym: Arte thou a master in Israhell, and knowest nott these thynges? (John 3)

…this is the condempnacion: Light is come into the worlde, and the men have loved darcknes more then light, because their dedes were evyll. (John 3)

The woman lefte her water pott behynde her, and went her waye into the cite, and sayde to the men there: Come se a man whiche tolde me all thynges that ever I dyd. Is not he Christ? (John 4)

…I have meate to eate, that ye knowe nott off. (John 4)

And therefore the iewes did persecute Jesus, and southg the meanes to slee hym, because he had done these thynges on the saboth daye. (John 5)

He that honoureth nott the sonne, the same honoureth not the father which hath sent hym. (John 5)

I can of myne awne silfe do noothynge at all. As I heare I iudge, and my iudgment ys iust, because I seke nott myne awne wyll: Butt the will off the father which hath sent me. (John 5)

The iewes strove amonge themselves saying: Howe can this felowe geve us his flesshe to eate? Jesus sayde unto them: Verely, verely I saye unto you, except ye eate the flesshe off the sonne of man, and drynke his bloude, ye shall not have lyfe in you. … Jesus knew in hymsilfe, that his disciples murmu red at hit, and sayde unto them: Doth this offende you? What and if ye shall se the sonne off man ascende up where he was before? It is the sprete that quyckeneth, the flesshe proffeteth nothynge. The words that I speak unto you are sprete and lyfe. But there are some off you that believe not. For Jesus knewe from the begynnynge, which they were that beleved not. And who shulde betraye hym. And he sayde: Therfore sayd I unto you: that no man can come unto me, except it were geven unto hym of my father. (John 6)

For except ye believe that I am he, ye shall deye in youre synnes. (John 8)

The devyll… For he ys a lyar, and the father therof. (John 8)

I am come unto iudgement, into this worlde: that they which se nott might se, and they which se might be made blynde. And some off the pharises which were wyth hym, herde these words, and sayde unto hym: Are we then blynde? Jesus sayde unto them, yf ye were blynde, ye shulde have noo synne: but nowe ye saye we se, therefore youre synne remayneth. (John 9)

Then after that sayd he to his disciples: let us goo into iewry agayne. His disciples sayde unto hym: Master, the iewes lately sought meanes to stone the: and wilt thou goo thither agayne? Jesus answered: are there not twelve houres in the daye? Yf a man walke in the daye he stombleth not, because he seith the light of this worlde. (John 11)

Verely verely I saye unto you, except the wheate corne fall into the grounde and deye, it bydeth alone. Yf it deye, it brengeth forth moche frute. He that loveth his life shall destroye it: And he that hateth his lyfe in this worlde, shall kepe it unto lyfe eternall. (John 12)

…ye call me master and lorde, and ye saye wele, for soo am I. (John 13)

In my fathers housse are many mansions. (John 14)

Yf I had not come and spoken unto them, they shulde have no synne: but nowe have they nothynge to cloke theyr synne with all. (John 15)

I have yet many thynges to say unto you: but ye cannot beare them awaye nowe. (John 16)

Beholde the houre draweth nye, and ys alredy come, that ye shalbe scatered every man his ways, and shall leav me alone. (John 17)

The hye prste axed Jesus of his disciples, and of his doctrine. Jesus answered hym: I spak openly in the worlde. I ever taught in the sinagoge and in the temple whither all the iewes resorted: and in secrete have I sayde nothynge: why axest thou me? Axe them whiche herde me what I sayde unto them. (John 18)

Then sayde Pilate unto hym: Speakest thou not unto me? (John 19)

Verely verely I saye unto , when thou waste yonge, thou gerest thysilfe, and walks whithr thow woldest. but when thou arte olde, thou shalt stretche for the thy hondes, and another shall gyrde , and leae the whiether thou woldest not. That spake he signifying by what deeth heshulde glorify God. (John 21)


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